Dear children, I desire to invite you to interiorize and reflect on your spiritual life; it is necessary for you, my little apostles, children of my Immaculate Heart, to reflect on your lives spiritually.
Little apostles, you must give one hundred percent of your strength, of your lives, to live our messages. It is always necessary to grow and grow more each day. Never, my little children, is enough; there is always more to be done for the work of my Son.
Little ones, look at the rest of mankind: How many are striving to consecrate themselves to my Immaculate Heart? How many families have consecrated themselves to our Sacred Hearts? How many souls and consecrated persons have paid attention to our messages? Therefore, you, little apostles, repair with your fidelity and perseverance the disobedience and apostasy in which the world is.
Little ones be my apostles in the world. My messages, the Calls to Love and Conversion, are no longer for the world, for all; they are for those souls that want to welcome them and live them. My apostles pray incessantly Jesus is pleased with his Faithful Remnant, and your prayers are always heard. I am the Lady of the Holy Rosary, the Mother of Fatima.
Little ones pray much; it is never enough, you must always pray more and become even more the person of Jesus every day.
My little apostles, I look at you and I smile at you because you console my heart. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.