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The Divine Will, Law of life for those consecrated to Our Two Hearts.

The Instrument: I was meditating on the Divine Will of God and how the apostles of the end times (who are the great work of salvation for humanity on behalf of the United Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary) should live this spirituality. I meditated on how our action, life and apostolate should be governed by this Light and Grace of Mercy. The Divine Will, that is, the Life of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, is the same Will of the Father.

Jesus presented Himself to me with His Hands stretched out to me, exposing His Sacred Heart and said:

Jesus: Dear child of My Sacred Heart, the spirituality of the Sacred Will which is the Divine Will of My Abba Father, must be an integral, essential, unique part of your little wills, where the soul renounces her little will so that the Divine Will may be Life in every soul. You, dear souls, are the children of Our United Sacred Hearts who bring forth the great work of the evangelization of this world. The apostles of the end times must live in My Will.

To live in My Divine Will is to live in My Holy Love, it is to live longing and desiring what My Sacred Heart longs for and desires; love, love and love. Loving the salvation of every soul, loving the redemption of this world, loving unity. Today more than ever My Sacred Heart cries out for unity, within the flock, with one Shepherd to whom I have entrusted the unity and the promulgation of the fifth Marian dogma; Mary Coredemptrix of souls and Mediatrix of all Graces.

Dear child, when a soul unites itself to My Divine Will, it renounces its own will and allows My Sacred Heart to make Life in its heart. Every movement, every work, every will, every glance, every heartbeat act in My Sacred Will. To live the Divine Spirituality of My Will consists of your souls giving permission to My Sacred Heart to make Life in them and thus acting in the world through the capacities and powers, affections and whole human and spiritual being of this creature. To live My Divine Will is to take a step in My Name on the paths of this world.

My Sacred Will is to live the Law of the Divine Will, to love God above all things and to lead God to others but through you. To look at the creatures but with the Eyes of God, to feel the souls with the Feelings of God. To live My Divine Will is to give Me life again, to give life to My Sacred Will on earth. Apostles of the end times, live on the path of My Divine Will.

Pray, my son, for Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, the Antilles and the Andes. Pray much for the Church.

My Sacred Heart loves you.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without sin.


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