Dear children, I am the Lady of the Holy Rosary, the mother who in Fatima gave you a message of conversion through three little helpless and poor children whom no one believed; no one affirmed the words I gave to my children. Three children who suffered for being faithful to my maternal call. But, through these three little shepherds, I gave them a great promise; and that is that my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart will triumph. And all those who believe in my word and strive to live my requests, and pray for my intentions, and pray for the final triumph of my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, by living my maternal call, also become my apostles and children of my promise.
Children, because you are born of my promise, the apostles of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, in these end times, are the offspring and fruit of my promise, who already must start living because I have already triumphed in your lives the great promise of Fatima. And it is through your little efforts and prayers that my Immaculate Heart will also triumph. Therefore, little ones, like a seed that spreads through the earth, spread with your sacrifices, efforts, prayers and fasts, the cenacles of prayer, so that this triumph may reach families, and from families to the Church, and from the Church to the world.
Pray, little ones, my immaculate Heart is counting on you. I give you, my blessing. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.