For these times we had reserved the manifestation that would most console the Most Holy Trinity and the devotion that would most please the Eternal Father: my Sacred Eucharistic Heart; the greatest manifestation and the greatest attribute of my Redeemer Heart.
I present myself to this little one, crucified and agonizing on the Cross with my Heart, which is one with the Holy Eucharist and pouring from this Eucharistic Heart the rays of water and blood, the unfathomable source of mercy. Thus, I gather in this invocation the attributes of the Redeemer, united and having as its centre the greatest Sacrament of my love:
The Holy Eucharist.
And so, I wish to be known and adored by the whole world. Because this invocation of the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus is the devotion of these times that consoles, repairs, and stops the divine justice of my Father.
And with my Eucharistic Heart I bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.