Apostles of my Sacred Heart receive the seed of the word in your hearts. Remember the parable of the Sower: he threw seeds among the rocks and the seeds did not bear fruit because they had no fertile soil; he threw seeds among the thorns, but the thorns choked the fruit; he threw seeds on the road, but the birds ate them. This is how Satan works; he chokes the word as with thorns, or he makes hearts become like rock and the word falls and is not grounded, or he makes the word fall on the road, fall out of the Heart and Satan snatches it away.
Be fertile and good soil, let the word fall into your hearts and bear abundant fruit, that you may not only preach my word with your mouth but also preach it with your testimony. Dear apostles, do not say that God is Love when you do not give love. Do not say that God is peace when you do not practice it. No, my dear children, but by demonstrating love, preach that God is love. But by living in peace, preach that God is peace. Be truly my instruments; offer yourselves to my Heart without fear, accept the sacrifices and sufferings that you can live to console my Heart for all the offenses of the world.
Children, I suffer much; do not complain about your sufferings but unite them to mine and let us attain mercy for the whole world.
I give you, my peace. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. SHALOM.