Jesus has wished that in these times Saint Joseph would be known, the wonders of Saint Joseph would be spoken about, and the devotion to Saint Joseph would be spread. Jesus is doing all this through the great work of the Holy Family, the Apostolate.
Thus, by revealing my Chaste and Loving Heart, Jesus wants the whole world to be devoted to the heart of the man who loved Jesus and Mary the most.
My Chaste and Loving Heart has revealed my interior and exterior life by making known the Seven Sorrows and Joys, which is my way of the Cross; and the Calls to Love and Conversion, which I make known to you, my children, are born from the depths of my Most Chaste Heart.
It is Divine Will that the Apostles of the End Times be formed, educated, guided, and illuminated by my Chaste and Loving Heart. I too, Saint Joseph, want to make you true apostles of Jesus and Mary, but to achieve this you must deny yourselves, that is, die to the old man in order to live from the new man who is born of Mary and the Holy Spirit and who, following my example, consecrates himself to the Heart of Jesus through the Heart of the Immaculate Virgin. Open your hearts and listen to your Protector.
Listen to and live the Calls to Love.
I bless you as the Father, the Guide and the Teacher of the Apostles of the Sacred Hearts.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.