Souls rescued at the price of blood; my Precious and Adorable Blood!
My little children, I desire with all my heart that you understand.
I did not come to save you outright, I did not come to give you meaningless words, I bought your souls by snatching them from Satan, paying a debt to my Father. I rescued you with my life, I rescued you with my Blood, and I saved you by giving up my Body to hard nails and a bloody road to Calvary.
Is it so difficult, then, for human beings to understand the immense suffering with which I have rescued them? Their hearts have become so hard that they no longer believe in the love of God, and since they no longer believe in the love of God, they no longer want to change, to live differently, and to bear witness.
Apostles of my love, can you not watch with me for one hour? Is it so difficult to be with me for one hour? Souls, is it so complicated to dedicate yourself to me completely? And if it is not so, why do you always say “no” to me?
Because your minds are so hardened that you are no longer able to think about God.
Children, I desire to save you, I desire that my sacrifice of the Cross may not have been in vain for you.
I am giving you the treasures of my Sacred Heart, but as soon as you take them, you throw them to the street to be stepped on and stolen.
No, children, keep in your heart every pearl given to you, pearls of my heart which is the vault of God’s mercy.
Children watch one hour with me! That is, give me your time, offer me your heart, and grant me a space in your life.
Children ask the Holy Spirit that you may know the love of his Jesus. Do not reject my love. Do not reject the love that will save you.
This is my call to mankind, whoever wants to listen to me, come and follow me.
I give you my merciful blessing. My heart is dying for lack of love, for the love of you men that I need.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.