Feast of the holy name of Jesus Write, my little one, the words of my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. This maternal Heart of a creature who loves because she has given herself completely to listening to the word of God and to his holy service, not only from the moment of the incarnation which was the initial moment of my co-redemptive mission, and even earlier and at a very young age, I gave myself to the service of our abba God.
My little one, only those hearts that are open and willing to serve the Father can enjoy his love and presence; for these hearts that with joy and repentance receive him, have given their will to God and joyfully obey his word and enjoy his reign in their Hearts and lives. These hearts, which I do wish would be all men also, have understood the mystery of the sweet and holy name of Jesus: God who saves. When the heart of man enthrones the holy name, and rejoices in it, and lives in it, he has discovered that God the son, Jesus, has saved him.
Little one, my chaste spouse Saint Joseph and I, were the first Hearts that, with the power of the Holy Spirit, have enthroned this mighty name, living from him and reflecting him alone. Mighty name that saves the chosen people, that is, the Church. So, I desire that the souls, who live and accept my messages and are consecrated to my Heart, may enthrone and glorify this holy and sweet name.
Little one, at Fatima I wanted to glorify this glorious name throughout the earth,
therefore the faithful souls should meditate on my message, live it. As I wished to make my son known at Fatima, I make him known to my little apostles; Jesus is the sweet and holy name of Fatima. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.