My Most Chaste Heart understood by the grace and mercy of the Father, the mission he had entrusted to me to safeguard the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, which are the two treasures of God and which are the two anchors of salvation for the Church and the whole world.
But this mission of caring for the Sacred Hearts is an extensive mission, I mean: all my children are called to the care of Jesus and Mary. Caring for them in their hearts, caring for them in their lives, caring for them in their outward expressions. Jesus and Mary should not only be served but also cared for and valued, because they are the two pearls that illuminate the throne of the Father.
You can take care of Jesus and Mary by living the Calls to Love and Conversion, by practicing with much delicacy and special attention the requests of our Sacred Hearts, also by trusting in their two hearts, knowing that God gives everything through their two hearts.
To care for Jesus and Mary also means to care for your neighbor, to value your brother, to contemplate the image of God in others, because every man is the image and likeness of God.
Whoever cares for Jesus and Mary will not sin, whoever cares for Jesus and Mary will not be confused, whoever cares for Jesus and Mary will never be misled, because the two hearts, as they are in me, will be the center, the guide, the horizon, the goal to follow.
As the Loving Father Saint Joseph who cared for Jesus and Mary, and now all the apostles of their Sacred Hearts, I give you my patriarchal blessing.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.