Well beloved of my Sacred Eucharistic Heart that in every tabernacle on earth awaits your visit, your adoration, your love.
The First Fridays of each month, revealed by Me to St. Margaret, in these End Times, have a special grace. And my desire is that they no longer be only nine First Fridays, but perpetual First Fridays. So that reparation, adoration and love for My Sacred Eucharistic Heart may be a perennial work of charity, to make reparation for My Sacred Eucharistic Heart so rejected and despised by men, and to obtain mercy for humanity.
Beloved of my Heart, the Devotions of the Apostolate are acts of charity towards God and towards our neighbor.
With my Sacred Eucharistic Heart, I bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.