My apostles, I, God the Son, have made a sacrifice of universal reparation as the Lamb without a blemish on the Altar of the Cross. In this eternal and perfect oblation, my Holy Mother offered herself with me. I, as the only redeemer of men, and my holy Mother as intercessor.
The greatest act of reparation is the holy sacrifice of the Mass. But it was necessary that the alliance of the hearts of Adam and Eve -in disobedience- be repaired with another alliance. Therefore, our Sacred Hearts, united by the Holy Spirit, are the Alliance that makes reparation for the sin of the old Adam and the old Eve.
And I have called upon the whole world to join this Alliance. I have also provided concrete, visible, and actual means.
It is the Apostolate of Our United Sacred Hearts, the alliance of my Heart with the Heart of my Blessed Mother, welcoming all humanity.
May the whole world join the Alliance of Our Two Hearts so that the face of the earth may be sanctified.
With my Precious Blood, I bless you in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The instrument:
Dear Jesus, Lamb without blemish, we give you this 24-hour Journey of Reparation of Adoration. May they serve for the realization of all the plans of your Two Hearts. For the healing, liberation, sanctification, and union of the Apostolate, we may be living images of the love of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
My sisters and brothers, there is no work more directly called to exercise love than the Apostolate. Truly, the vocation of the Apostolate is love. As Saint Therese would say and prophesy: my vocation in the Church is love; the vocation of the Apostolate in the Church and in the world is love, because our source is the source of love: the Two Hearts.
We offer with love this Journey, with which we close the great month of June, the month of the Three United Sacred Hearts, where we open the wonderful month of July, the month of the Apostolate. The eleventh anniversary of the apparitions, the 11th anniversary of the manifestation of the Woman Clothed with the Sun, 11th anniversary of the Opus Magnum; and tomorrow, let us remember that it is the anniversary of the prophetic apparitions of Our Lady in Garabandal. The apparitions of Garabandal are precursors and continuity of the apparitions of the Apostolate.
Even there, the Mother reveals the Scapular of the Apostolate to the girls.
The whole puzzle, the Lord, with the Apostolate, has come to put the last piece to understand all that beautiful mosaic that is the Triumph of the Woman Clothed with the Sun and the Reign of her Son, the Lamb of God, the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.
We receive beloved brothers and sisters, the blessing with which we close our journey, and, from now on, the holy day of Garabandal for the whole Apostolate.
Let us remember tomorrow, in our live broadcast, at 7:00 at night; we will pray the Golden Chaplet of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary in thanksgiving for her apparitions in Garabandal, and congratulations to all the Opus Magnum. Congratulations to all; we are entering the days of hope, the days of gold, which is why Mother calls it the Golden Day, the Day of Triumph, the Solemn Day.
With joy, let us prepare our hearts for the great Solemn Novena to the Woman Clothed with the Sun, the great Solemn Novena to the Virgin of the Apocalypse. We are the only work in the world that celebrates Apocalypse 12 and prepares it with a Solemn Novena to celebrate the Woman Clothed with the Sun.
Therefore, joy, brothers, joy and hope; that is what we must be in the world, not messengers of catastrophes, but builders of the Reign of Jesus and Mary, despite all adversities, bringing hope, because that is the Gospel, the kerygma: hope. Jesus, who is risen and awaits us in the Glory of Paradise, awaits us with his Mother Clothed in Gold, waiting to reign in all hearts.
Long live Jesus! Long live Mary! Long live Joseph! And long live the Apostolate and the Blood of Christ! FIAT.
