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Prayer, sacrifice and penance.

Dear children, prayer, sacrifice and penance is the path that the Gospel has laid out for all the followers of My Son Jesus.

Prayer is the meeting of the soul with God, where the weak receive strength, where the strong receive strength to continue to persevere, where the sick receive health and where the thirsty and hungry for God are satisfied. Prayer is an important gift for all of you, so that you may remain faithful to following the Lord.

Sacrifice, dear children, indicates self-renunciation, dying to yourself so that Christ may live in you, so that by suffering and atoning for you and for all the sinners of the world, many souls may be saved.

Penance, dear children, means the fulfillment of your duties towards God, it is to fulfill your vows and promises made to God, to be faithful to the word of God, to be penitent and to be faithful observers of the word of God.

Therefore, dear children, I invite you to acquire these three gifts, you will do it with prayer from the heart, with perseverance on the journey, with the help of God the Holy Spirit, with assiduous reading of the word of God and above all, with Jesus present in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar, receiving and adoring him.

Dear children, be faithful to my maternal messages, live them, practice them. Correspond (in the best way) with your love to the love that God has for each of you. That God who gave his only Son in the Holy Sacrifice of the Cross for the remission of your sins and to give you eternal life. Seeing Christ crucified, meditate on the great Love that God has for you.

Your Mother in Heaven loves you and blesses you.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without sin.


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