Adored and praised be the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
My beloved children, I exhort you to perform thanksgiving actions for my presence among you. The Most Holy Trinity is who has sent me and has allowed this time to be led by my Heart.
Beloved children, to celebrate my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart is to celebrate the appearance of the great sign. It is to commemorate the great sign, the Woman Clothed with the Sun. This is my time, and I call, with cries of labor, to all my children to open their hearts to the love of Jesus, to the Gospel, and to the Church. And only if the world hears these Last Calls to Love and Conversion will it have peace.
Dear little son, I have consecrated my Garden with the blood of my Heart, today I renew this consecration. The Co-Redemptrix in the Son has also shed her blood for the salvation of all souls.
I bless you with the alliance of our Sacred Hearts.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
