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July 17, 2014 – Call to Love and Conversion from the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

Mother of God and Our Mother.

Dear child, I am your Mother, the one who loves you in the Love of God. I want to ask you for a grace, I want on behalf of your little being, a consolation for me, your Mother; that in each “Hail Mary” when I am invoked as “Mother of God”, you add from the depths of your being “Mother of God and Our Mother”. This prayer contains in its essence the grace and the treasure of the Coredemption. With this prayer you invoke me as the Coredemptrix of your souls. With this “Hail Mary” said with devotion and love, I will intervene in my Son’s Church so that the Most Holy Father may declare the fifth Marian dogma; Mary Coredemptrix and Mediatrix of souls and the graces of the Father.

I am the Mother of God and your Mother, Help, Aid, Powerful Supplicant Omnipotence. I am also the “Our Mother”. I remain in your heart and in every heart of that child who wishes to consecrate himself to me. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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