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July 20, 2016 – Call to Love and Conversion from God the Tender and Merciful Father

God who seeks man and the Family

The Instrument: Dear Father I bless you and I want to give you comfort for all the offenses you receive from the world. You are God but you are also a Tender Father and you suffer for the bad living of your creatures. Father forgive us; give us your Light, establish the Holy Kingdom of your Word in the world quickly.

God the Father: Little one, my Eternal Heart imbued with Holy Love for men is a patient and merciful Heart that, waits until the last moment for men to turn their sinful hearts to Me; so much do I love them that I gave My Firstborn Jesus Christ for your Redemption; yet, the majority of men do not want to see, hear or obey My Holy Word; but, behold, your Father is still calling men to listen and live My Will which is Pure and Trinitarian Love; this Most Pure Trinitarian Love is what brings My Heart to draw close to men; as I did when I drew close to your father Abraham and announced to him that Sarah his wife would bear him children. Do you see this little one? Do you understand this, Carmelite?

The Instrument: Lord, You tell me; teach me, Good Master.

God the Father: My child, our Trinitarian Love as it went to seek Abraham, now seeks man, and approaching man it seeks the family, the core of every race and nation; and if this base which is the family is blessed and consecrated to Me, every race and people will be holy and will live in My Presence; but, if this base is in adultery, fornication, and sin, all your people will live enslaved in sin and will pollute many generations, causing the new generations to commit more serious sins. Therefore, little Elijah, I call this people to decisively and firmly cut all chains of sin with the Holy Blood of My Sacrificial Son.

From a holy family, a holy people will be born; but from a family in sin, a people in sin will be born and, this is the misfortune of this generation. Family is man, woman, and children blessed by the Church and the Sacraments; all else outside of that Order is an alteration of Creation and a rebellion against My Precepts. Satan fights today, in your time, strongly, against the family and the Church; recognize, My people, the signs of this End of your Time.

Carmelite pray for My intentions and that the Kingdom of My Eternal Word, the Regnum Verbum Dei, may be established very soon: the Kingdom of Trinitarian Love and of the family. Little one, pray, pray, pray; you and I.

The Instrument: You and I, Father in Trinitarian Love, in Marian-Eucharistic Love, help me to be obedient always; I love you and I want to do everything in Your Love.

God the Father: Remember child, Trinitarian Love. I give you my blessing: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.


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