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Children of my Chaste and Loving Heart:

I invite you once again to enter my Heart. My Heart is the path of the faithful soul; my Heart is the path of every baptized person, which can be summed up in prayer and service. Every baptized person is called to these two things: pray from the heart, pray without fear, pray without distrust, pray knowing that one is heard, and serve: serve in your work, serve in your family, serve in your prayer community. But when traveling my Heart, which is the path of Saint Joseph, in addition to prayer and service, there are the virtues: virtues help the soul to fulfill its service well and to pray well.

Dear children: I invite you to meditate on deep humility, humility that is not external.

Deep humility is the humility of the heart: knowing that we were created by God and that we can do nothing without his Holy Spirit.

Humility that makes us understand that we have been forgiven because we have sinned.

Humility that makes us grow in charity because the humble soul loves above all else. Love, but in the Love of Christ, the humble soul, in that Love, knows how to pray and knows how to serve.

Little children: I, Saint Joseph, after Jesus and the Blessed Virgin, was the first faithful, the first one consecrated to the Two Hearts, who practiced prayer and service with the help of humility.

Children, although I did not understand, although my Heart could not understand many things, I said yes to God’s Plan, because humility made me understand that it was not I who would do what was entrusted to me but the Holy Spirit using me.

Children, it is not you who will put into practice our Calls, it will be the Holy Spirit through you. For this, children, it is necessary to put the human will aside, so that the Divine Will of God may dominate. Children, God wants only the “yes” of each one of you; He will take care of everything as He did with me when I went on pilgrimage on earth.

Children, listen to the Calls to Love. By Divine Will our three hearts are telling the world what God wants from men through every Call to Love and Conversion; so, the Father sends us and, so, the Father permits our coming to this Holy Place, to transmit to men the Divine Will.

And through the Calls to Love and the Apostolate, the Father has come through the Sacred Hearts to gather, collect, and form the Army of Apostles of these End Times. Therefore, dear children, listen to us with the heart.

May peace reign in you and may you transmit the peace and closeness of God to others! As father Saint Joseph, first disciple of the Heart of Jesus, I bless you.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


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