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July 4, 2014 – Call to Love and Conversion from the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

My Heart opens like a Sanctuary for all my children to enter and be saved. 

Dear children, my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart will be the Refuge for these times. My Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart opens as a shrine for all my children to enter and be saved. I want to seek, my children, the salvation of all souls. How many souls are and will be lost. Pray and sacrifice for the rest of my children in the world. I must reach out to all to bring them salvation. I am the Lady and the Mother of Salvation. I ask you to fast on bread and water and in this great month of July, the month of the Precious Blood, seal your children, seal your families, your homes.

Pray for the Holy Father Francis, for the Church. Destroy the kingdom of Satan with your prayers, may my Son Jesus Christ reign in your lives, rejoice that the Kingdom is near.

My children, who still sleep, wake up. The world is aggravating its sins more and more and the Heavenly Cup is already overflowing, go to Confession and Holy Communion.

Dear soldiers of my Army, never distrust, I am always with you. Children, fight alongside Me, your Mother, Lady and Queen, I have you all in my Heart. Thank you, children, for entrusting your beings to my maternal intercession.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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