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July 5, 2014 – Explanation of the Holy Scapular of the Apostles of the End Times

The brown color means Jesus’ life of surrender and sacrifice. The Sacred Heart of Jesus said that this Scapular and its color represent all his atoning life on earth. The Cross represents the maximum Love of God and to which every apostle of Jesus and Mary must aspire to be united; white to signify His Triumph, with the celestial border representing the company of the Blessed Mother in the life of Our Lord. At the back is the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Mother who unites herself to the Sacred Heart of her Son by means of the ribbons. Her three roses represent the gifts and spirituality of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary that the apostles of the end times must live as they are; prayer, sacrifice and penance.


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