Dear children, my Chaste and Loving Heart intercedes for the people of Mary. My Chaste and Loving Heart is the protector of the souls who have consecrated themselves to the Immaculate Heart of the Heavenly Queen. Therefore, dear children, the invitation I extend is that you live and renew, at every moment of your lives - through prayer, Eucharistic adoration, and the holy Rosary - your consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and through the Heavenly Mother, to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Dear children, the message from Heaven is for every soul; it is for each of God's children to assume and take responsibility for every Call to Love and Conversion.
My children live the messages. The world needs determined and courageous people who renounce what they must renounce, who say 'Yes' to the Will of the Lord, and who are living witnesses of the Gospel of my beloved adopted Son Jesus.
Children do not grow weary of praying, reading the Sacred Scriptures, and knowing in depth the great Mystery of Love that is kept in the United Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. This Mystery of Love will be revealed to souls when they pray with faith, open themselves to the Holy Spirit, and decide on their conversion and holiness.
I love and bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.