Dear children, my Immaculate Heart pours forth maternal graces when you pray the Holy Rosary.
Pray, little children. Pray for the peace of the world that is threatened; pray for your country. The darkness is very dense. Souls do not repent; they do not want to leave sin, and people bound to sin cry out for misfortune and correction.
I invite you, my Little Remnant, to pray and make reparation for your countries; make amends to our Hearts United in Love for so much sin and suffering.
Little children, open your hearts to my messages and live them with love. Be truly Apostles of the End Times, and do not be afraid because my Son Jesus protects the children of the Woman Clothed with the Sun.
Pray, my little ones. Pray for peace, pray and fast, that the hearts of many sinners may be changed and converted.
Little children, I am with you and invite you not to turn away from my Immaculate Heart.
I love you and bless you because my Son Jesus also loves you and blesses you with his Precious Blood.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
