My Beloved Heavenly Spouse, as a Sorrowful Mother, has manifested herself in many places on earth calling all her children to change their lives. And as Mother of Sorrows she also invites you, especially, to contemplate what Jesus has suffered for declaring, to each one of you, the Love He has for you. The Cross: The Madness of Holy Love; only Jesus has loved without measure.
My adopted Son did not care if His Love was to be returned or not. Jesus did not think if he would be accepted or not. He offered Himself to everyone, without distinction. He loved without rejecting anyone. And the Mother of Sorrows, with whom I also shared my sorrows, together with Jesus and Mary on earth, invites you, her children, not to set aside the Cross. Because many who have forgotten the Cross have turned away from the Heart of Christ. I was not physically on Calvary, but I was also contemplating the suffering and the Cross of Jesus Christ. Oh humanity, if you had not forgotten the Cross, you would have known how to love with your Heart.
The Cross is gathering a court of souls who like Jesus are letting themselves be crucified for love of Him. Heaven is doing it, to stop the Justice and Punishment that from Heaven comes, because sins are many and serious.
Along with the Sorrowful Mother with your fasts, penances, and prayers, implore mercy and pray. Pray! Do not ask! Pray! Pray with the Heart! Learn to pray by always looking at Jesus Crucified. And when you understand what Jesus did on the Cross you will learn to live, to love, to pray.
As the Adoptive Father of Jesus Crucified, I bless you: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.