My Sacred Heart is the Prophet par excellence, sent by my Father, because from my heart miracles, teachings, Sacraments and the Church itself have emerged.
Soul, my heart must be for you everything; your food and sustenance; your coat and home; your master and your Father. Consider my Sacred Heart all you need. I am giving you my heart so that you may love it, console it, and obey it.
Soul, I invite you to trust, trust much in my love. All that you aspire and is good, I aspire more, the best for yourself, trust that your God wants no evil for you. The souls who do not trust the love of their God are because they do not yet know the love of my heart.
I want you to pray more and ask to know my love; think more of my love and believe more in my love. Here is my love, believe! Let yourself be loved by my love!
I am so sad that the world does not want to know my love! If the world were to begin to know my love it would avoid more damage than what is already being done. If families would begin to pray to know the love of Jesus, there would be many holy families! Know my love, pray to the Holy Spirit to reveal my love to you!
I bless you with infinite love and mercy.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.