The Sacrament of Baptism, a gift from my Sacred Heart.
Jesus: Little one, write. Do not get tired of writing because I will show you the beauty of my Sacred Heart through these Calls to Love and Conversion. I want to teach you of my Wisdom, little one.
The instrument: What can I say to You, my beloved Jesus, but only thank and offer You my whole life in continuous adoration for Your immense Love?
Jesus: Remain little, be always little. Do you remember the ejaculation I had given you to address our “ABBA FATHER”?
The instrument: Yes, I remember: Father, destroy me, and in my ruins, raise up your Sanctuary.
Jesus: Yes, (...) that ejaculatory. Little son, today you will learn about the Sacrament of Baptism. Son, as I told you before, every sacrament is a gift from my Sacred Heart. And this one, in particular, was a grace of Love that my Sacred Heart desired and fulfilled when I asked Saint John the Baptist to administer to me the baptism of penance and how the Spirit, in the Eternal One, manifested Himself by confirming this desire of my Sacred Heart. Son, in another passage of the Gospel, I tell Nicodemus that they must be born of the Water and the Spirit; again, my Sacred Heart bestowing the first fruits of this Sacrament.
Afterwards, on the Cross, son of my Sacred Heart, through my pierced Side, Blood and Water flowed with which I baptized humanity on Calvary to remove blindness and to behold Him whom they had pierced. Son, to be born of the Water and the Spirit is the Sacrament of Baptism united to a Pentecost because when a creature is baptized, it becomes a daughter, by mercy and in my merits, receiving at that very moment the Holy Spirit. It becomes a Temple of the Holy Spirit, priest, king and prophet.
Baptism is the first step to life in God, and it is a requirement for salvation because a person who believes and is baptized will attain eternal life. The Holy Water of Baptism makes you, by my merits, children of the Father. Baptism buries and vanishes, by pure mercy, the sin in your souls, thus giving death to the man of sin so that, by giving his “Fiat” at that moment of consecration, the man of grace may be resurrected how my Sacred Heart longs for children to be educated so that they may care for and value their baptismal grace.
Children, do not allow Satan to distract you with the things of this world. Live your holy Baptism by living the spiritual life of Grace. Little son, the Sacrament of Baptism is a Sacrament of Salvation. Ask the Immaculate Heart of my Mother to help your hearts to live this baptismal consecration! To be faithful to this holy purpose and to live as true children of God by the Baptism you have received. I love and bless you.
The instrument: Thank you, Jesus. Help me cherish this Sacrament I have received and bear witness to being a true child of God.
Jesus: Peace.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.