My little ones, my Immaculate Heart will protect you from all calamities, from all events, from all successes that are approaching for humanity.
Little children, pray and do not distrust my Maternal Love.
Little one, receive the instructions and indications of my Immaculate Heart for your good, for the good of the family, for the good of my little apostles. I protect all of you with my Mantle of Love, never cease to pray with the Holy Rosary so that my Maternal Love may protect you from all the events that, out of Mercy, will come to the earth.
My little ones, I am the Co-Redemptrix, the Mediatrix, the Treasurer of Heaven's Graces. Trust in Me, and fill yourselves with my Love. My little ones, my Lord loves you and covers you with the Precious Blood.
Do not lose your peace, little children, but pray, adore, make reparation, console. I am with you little ones. With your surrender and love, you will be part of the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart if you are willing to allow yourselves to be guided by my Maternal Presence.
Little ones, as my little Army, pray that your prayers may save many of my little ones who do not yet hear the Words of my Son Jesus.
I love and bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.