My most Chaste Father’s Heart longs for men to fall in love with God; to fall in love with God is to love him above all things, to trust him, to believe that he is a Providential Father, and that the joys and sorrows he allows his children to live are for the good of his own children.
To love God is to believe that he is a God of love and that from his heart alone flows an eternal source of love.
Humanity is getting worse every day. Families are getting more and more destroyed and divided. Young people and children are getting more and more confused, because the whole of humanity has turned its attention away from the love of the crucified.
Dear children, when I was on earth, I was a normal young man. I worked, I prayed, but every day I tried to experience God’s love; at all times, my thoughts were focused on God’s love and, even if Satan told me that God did not love me, I never fell into his temptation.
You must meditate more on the love of God, the world is being destroyed for lack of love, and the only love that can save you is the love of God, which has already been given to you in the heart of Jesus.
Dear children, I, Saint Joseph, a man of work and home, a man of prayer and family, a man of faith and ordinary life, urge you to think more of God’s love, to believe more in God’s love.
Dear children, it is urgent and necessary that every heart be occupied in thinking more about the love of God and praying to the Holy Spirit, imploring, that he reveals to us the love of God. I am with you, children of my Chaste Heart, and I want to lead you into the kingdom of God’s love.
And to you, little lily, it has been granted that Luisa Piccarreta and Padre Pio be your two heavenly protectors, and united to the gift of the mystical incarnation come the wounds of Jesus, and I confirm to you, because Jesus has asked me, that you have the wounds of Jesus, invisible, but real; and remember that one of the things for which you offer yourself as a victim is for mankind to receive the love of God.
I give you my blessing, as Father Saint Joseph was seduced and called by the love of God.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.