My Loving Heart lived in the silence and service at Nazareth; with Jesus and Mary I lived by the contemplation of God; I lived by being filled with the Love of God. And this Love of God transformed my Heart; this Love of God, which from a very young age, in my paternal home, made me practice humility, self-denial, silence.
Know, dear children, that I, your Father Saint Joseph, in my father’s house, was humiliated, by my parents and brothers, I was rejected, I was always left aside. But I understood that the Lord allowed this, because these sufferings were cultivated in Me: Graces, for my future vocation: to be the Nourishing Father of the Living God.
That is why, now, just as the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary is the path that leads you to God, My Chaste and Loving Heart is the path that leads you to the service of God. If you are going to talk about yourself, let it be about your sins, your defects, and the immense forgiveness God has given to your souls.
Free yourselves from the noise and from wanting to be chosen, loved; not children, the way of God is the way of humility, the way of hiddenness, the way of total renunciation. And when you have truly encountered this Love of God, you will see, my children, that even your way of speaking, looking, and acting, even the slightest breath and Heartbeat, will bear witness to the Love you experience from God. Because man expresses only what is in his Heart, and if his Heart is filled with God, they will manifest God
Be servants! The servant doesn’t do more than he must. Humble! Silent! Pure in Heart! With a clean look! With noble actions! In this way you will manifest, in this way you will show, the Love of a Loving Father.
I intercede for you. I bless you, as Saint Joseph the Worker, silent and hidden: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.