The Lord, my little children, loves you greatly, and He asks, with love, that likewise you love Him, adore Him, and make reparation.
Little children, the Father is suffering greatly; He is God, but He is also Father and suffers for the loss of millions of souls.
Children, console the Father, pray and adore, cry out for mercy, be little children in the hands of the Father, surrender yourselves to Him, embrace Him with love, atone with your love, the love that other creatures do not offer Him.
Children, be children, live the joy of the Spirit, live the joy of the Gospel, live the hope of our messages. The world wants to take away your Peace; do not let yourselves be contaminated by the world, by sin, by the devil.
Little children, be strong. And the littler you become in the Spirit of the Lord, the greater you will be in the presence of men; because being like little souls, which the Father raises and embraces, you will soar like doves towards the Nest of the Father and the Mother. Be little! Pray much! Do not get tired of praying for the whole world, the priests, and your nations. Pray for Israel, for France, for Mexico.
Pray, pray, pray with the heart; that is my Call.
My Chaste and Loving Heart bless you in Jesus' Name.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.