Jesus: Little son?
The instrument: My Divine Jesus, behold the son of your handmaid.
Jesus: Little one, today you will learn about the Priesthood, a Sacrament-Ministry. The Priesthood of the New Covenant offers Me as a living Sacrifice on the Altar. It is no longer the sacrifice of the old covenant with the priesthood of the old people, but the Priesthood of the New Covenant, signed and sealed with my Precious Blood, is a Sacrament of my Love for my Bride, my Church, my People.
The Priesthood is the Sacrament of sacrifice and service. Every man who hears my call and responds “Fiat” to my invitation receives my Holy Spirit and, with Him, the authority to act in my Name and serve my People “in persona Christi”.
The anointed hands of My priests have been consecrated to make Myself present on the altar and to offer Myself to the Eternal Abba for souls. The priest on the altar ceases to be truly Me, acting and giving Myself in sacrifice to My Father.
This beautiful Sacrament, so dear to Me, is a Sacrament of service and surrender, of cross and oblation, of love and atonement. Priest and Eucharist is the mystical union of every priestly soul because without a priest, there would be no Eucharist, and without the Eucharist, what would my Church be sustained by? Son, this Sacrament is born of my Church, especially for the Eucharist.
Pray for the priests that they will appreciate and value this Sacrament-Ministry that I share with them.
I love and bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
