Praised be the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
Dear Children:
In commemorating my Maternal Heart is to give thanks to the Tender and Merciful Father for my very existence. He created me to be His handmaid, for the Divine Word to become incarnate, and to be the Mother of the Church of His Son.
To commemorate my Heart is to honor my sorrows and my joys, my life on earth and my life in Heaven, my mission as Mother, Mediatrix and Coredemptrix. To honor my Heart is to honor the whole person of your Immaculate Mother.
Therefore, dear children, understand that, by making myself known as the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, I gather all my authentic manifestations in the greatest: the Lady Clothed with the Sun.
Dear children, the Solemnity of the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of my Son Jesus, the Solemnity of my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart find their union in the Day of the Holy Mansions. It is a Triduum of love, a little path of Holiness. They are three days that the Tender and Merciful Father grants to all humanity and to the Church to obtain the Gift of Love and Holiness.
Therefore, my appearances in this place so beloved by Me, my Calls to Love and Conversion are the fulfillment of all my maternal plans.
With my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, I give you my maternal blessing.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.