I am your Lady of Perpetual and Holy Help
Dear children, always raise your arms and say: Mother, save us and the world.
I am your protector, I am your helper and protector of every soul, I wear the crown of glory (Revelation 12:1), not because of my merits but because I give myself to protect my Father’s children, I am the guardian of souls, the guardian of creation, who protects them from the attacks, visible and invisible, of Satan.
Do you see Saint Michael here? He always fights with me and serves me.
Now you are not only consecrated as children of Mary, you are companions of my beloved Servant Michael in his fight.
I want you to know that this day of my Perpetual Help is the day of the powerful intercession of Saint Michael, it is he who guards my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart and invites each soul to enter my Heart and I will carry them in my arms as I carry my child, so that each soul that enters my Heart, each soul that approaches me, I will carry it in my arms as I carry the child Jesus. My Son Jesus desires that you come close to my Heart as a Mother.
The child Jesus says to me:
You must love my Mother, if you want to truly meet Me, for you will find Me together with my Mother.
Our Blessed Mother says:
Dear children, in my mantle I bless you, pray with Me for the salvation of the world, the redemption of souls. I am the always Mother, Queen and Lady of Perpetual Help. My child Jesus gives you his blessing.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, Conceived without original sin.