Children of my Sacred Heart, the infinite ocean of mercy loves you immensely and how I wish, my children, that you may understand this love: An infinite love, without beginning or end; a love that allowed itself to be crucified, but in spite of human ingratitude, this love, which is myself, remains in the most Holy Sacrament waiting always, every day, for this merciful love to be corresponded.
That is why, my children, I desire that you become contemplative souls, because the soul that contemplates my love, my cross and the eucharist, is the soul that if it perseveres will become sensitive to my sorrow, my joys, and my love. A soul cannot come close to me if is not touched by rays of the divine light; in the same way, no creature on earth cannot be untouched by the sunlight. My love is given, my love is offered, but my love wants to be corresponded.
Therefore, every day keep a moment of silence, to meditate on the correspondence you have given to the love I give you. Do not be afraid of the tribulations of life; the Lady, My Mother, will be the Perpetual Help, the Unconditional Help, the Tireless Protector, of the adorers of my heart. She is the Mother of the Perpetual Help because she has assisted you by giving her yes, she has given help, succour, redemption, to Christ, so that men may be saved
I remain with you! Adore always, even in your ordinary activities! Remain in an attitude of adoration!
I bless you with Redeeming Love: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.