Dear little children of the Blessed Virgin, My Chaste and Loving Heart prays and intercedes for all those consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of the Heavenly Mother. Little ones, in these difficult and dangerous times, both for souls and for all men, the Holy Rosary and Eucharistic Adoration, Prayer and Fasting, are the spiritual weapons, the armour of your minds and hearts, to be strong against the attacks of the Enemy of the Soul.
I will protect all the little apostolic souls of the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary in this arid desert of apostasy, of lack of faith, of persecution. I will lead all the little souls who are faithful to the Lord into the Ark of Salvation. In the past, the Lord’s servant Noah raised an Ark to save men and creatures from the Flood of Purification; in these times, the Lord sends the Immaculate Heart of the Queen of Heaven as the Ark of Salvation, so that you may take refuge in this Ark and be protected from the Flood of sin, blasphemies and aberrations, which are offending the Heart of Jesus and condemning many souls.
Pray, pray always, pray for all men, because there are still many who with your prayers can be saved, converted, feel pain for their sins. Little children of the Immaculate Heart of the Mother and Queen of Heaven intercede for all creatures. I give you the Lord’s blessing: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.