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June 4, 2016 – Call to Love and Conversion from the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

My dear children, my Immaculate Heart loves you so much that is why trust in my maternal love, surrender yourselves to the Work of my Immaculate Heart. Devotion to our Two Hearts is the devotion that will save the world. My children, and if the world does not listen, then our Two Hearts will be the Ark and the safe Refuge for souls who believe, listen, obey and hope.

Children, my Immaculate Heart is the source of God’s Love. The Love of God demonstrated on the Cross that is my son Jesus Christ. He is the Water from my Immaculate Fount. I am the Fount and Jesus is the Water. I am the Tree and Jesus is the Fruit. I am the Mother and Jesus is the Son. Therefore, by trusting and drawing close to my Immaculate Heart, you will truly encounter the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

My children, say “yes” and do not look back because the Eucharistic Reign of my Beloved Jesus is already in the hearts that give openness to our presence, all over the world.

My children, the Eucharistic Reign from the Heart of my Son is found in hearts that are simple, obedient, and that wait upon the Lord.

My Immaculate Heart will help you if you ask in faith to be faithful to Jesus. That is what is important, to be faithful to Jesus and to his Gospel. And everything else, my Son will grant you according to his Divine Designs.

Pray, pray, pray always that you may understand my Messages and my Presence among my children. Do not cease to pray. I love you and I bless you. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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