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Your prayers, every First Saturday, lighten my Heart. 


Little children, thank you for accepting my maternal calls to make reparation, together with the Angels and Saints, to my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart surrounded by thorns for the sinners of humanity. 

Dear children, your prayers -every First Saturday of the month- alleviate my Maternal Heart from all the burdens of the world, from all the ingratitude of men, for all the indifference that is lived in these times.

I invite you to always pray the Holy Rosary, and with prayer and fasting, you will strengthen your lives as Christians. 

My dear children, I am pouring infinite graces into your little hearts this First Saturday, but only those who open themselves with prayer, love, and faith in the Holy Spirit of God will receive them.  

Dear children, as the earth is refreshed by the rain, so is my Immaculate Heart refreshed by your prayers. When I see so many souls who are condemning themselves...

Dear children, pray, repent, convert, do everything that Jesus tells you. Adore him in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar and receive him in Holy Communion always.  

Dear children, today, my Mantle is opening and embracing you all.

Do not doubt that everything you have asked for has already been granted to you if it is God's Will. Fulfill your commitments as Christians, obey the commandments of God's Law, and everything will come to you in addition. This First Saturday I will be waiting for you.

Little children, graces are earned for souls, every First Saturday.

Dear children, pray for this country. Every First Saturday we have delivered souls from calamities. Pray for Nicaragua, Brazil. Pray for England. Pray for the Pope. Pray for bishops and priests, religious men and women. Pray for yourselves and your families.

Thank you for living and accepting my maternal call.

Dear children, I give you the blessing of Heaven.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin. 


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