A call to prayer.
Dear children, thank you for having recourse to my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Thank you for accepting my call to prayer, to the recitation of the Holy Rosary and to listening to the Word.
Dear children, thank you for receiving me in this little house, which I consecrate, bless and protect with my Presence and with the Precious Blood of my Son Jesus.
Dear children, the Flame of Love of my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart is an inexhaustible Source of Grace; that is why, you always invoke it in your prayers, as you do at the end of every cenacle, where I unite my maternal Love to your little love of children. You do not know how much grace you are receiving. But if you pray and invoke the Holy Spirit, you will be able to understand it and live it.
Dear children, you are witnesses of my Grace of Love for families. Pray for families. Pray for your families and, to this family so dear to our United Sacred Hearts. I thank you for accepting my Calls for you are keeping them in the depths of your hearts.
Dear children, prayer is also a service. Dear children, every time you gather for prayer, with your prayers, you cooperate with me in helping this world, which is wounded, tired, and lonely. Therefore, dear children, pray serving and loving. Serve by loving and serving. Serve loving and serving and praying. Amen. Living and praying.
Dear children, in the end my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart will triumph; with your help, with your prayer, with your voluntary surrender, it will triumph and the time of peace will come for the world. But pray, dear children, never tire of praying and fasting.
I love you and I bless you all and each one; especially, I give you my special maternal blessing.
Never, dear children, become discouraged, never be tired of working on my Mission. Thank you for accepting my Call, and I pray to God that you may live it.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
