Dear children, I invite you to open your hearts to My Messages. It is a desire of My Son Jesus that you value the graces that are given to you. Do not only listen to the Message as empty words but open your Heart so that every word may be kept in your Heart.
My little ones, fall in love with this work, give yourselves to this work. There are still hard hearts, there are still Hearts in distrust, there are still hearts that put the world, work, money, and possessions first, do not remember my Son Jesus, and not even a thought during the day is raised to our United Hearts.
Please, my children, let me help you; I am here because you need me. Obey my words that you may come to the knowledge of truth and discover the love of God. Pray that you may truly understand the plans I have in my heart through this work. Pray that you may truly live my messages.
I love and bless you. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.