Souls, in the first Mansion of Holiness or the first step to conversion to the Christian life, is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit illuminates the conscience and the heart, so that the human heart can distinguish good from bad, grace from sin. And the souls who wish to convert to the Lord do not become obstinate in their sins but humbly recognize them and ask the Lord for forgiveness and receive absolution from their sins. And the Holy Spirit, with the gift of strength, helps the soul to resolve not to sin anymore. Thus, the path to holiness is the first door and it is the Holy Spirit that enlightens, guides, directs and moves the human heart to repent of its sin and invites it to live in sanctifying grace. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you walk in a sincere conversion, an honest repentance, a grateful life with the infinite mercy of the Father manifested in his son Jesus.
Dear brothers and sisters, I, Saint Theresa of Jesus, pray for you that you may be docile to the Holy Spirit’s works of holiness.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.