Dear child, the Lord, by looking at your nothingness, has wanted to manifest his love and glory and by making your heart little, God is most glorified. That littleness of yours exalts the greatness of the Lord. Silence, prayer and service are also littleness, and my Chaste and Loving Heart was educated in these virtues since childhood, so the Holy Spirit formed me to reach a higher spiritual level, and the higher my soul soared, I felt little and unworthy.
My Chaste and Loving Heart by the Holy Spirit went to meet with the Heart of Mary and consecrated me as an eternal slave of Mary, and Mary made me a slave and apostle in the Love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In these times, as the Chaste and Loving Heart of Saint Joseph, I want to teach you the true devotion to the United Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
I give you my fatherly blessing.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.