Dear children, as a Mother, I ask you to make amends for the Sorrows of My Immaculate Heart offended, outraged, wounded, and forgotten by your children. As a Mother, I desire all My children to encounter Jesus.
Little ones, do you want peace in your families? Do you want love and conversion among you? Do you really want to live My Messages together with the Word of My Son? My little ones first meet Jesus, if you meet Jesus, the rest will come as Grace and Blessing.
Little ones repair My Sorrows by living My Messages and pray for My Intentions. I have Motherly Intentions for all mankind. Pray that My Intentions, and My Son’s Desires of Love and Peace may be fulfilled.
Pray, pray with all your Heart, and contemplate My Son on the Cross; join Him and experience the greatest, most perfect, purest Love that Jesus has, and, by encountering this Love, bring it to others, be My apostles by transmitting the Gospel and the Love of Jesus.
In this way, dear children, you console My Maternal Heart, which loves you so much. I love you and I bless you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.