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The Instrument: Saint Theresa of Jesus has come with Saint Catherine of Siena.

Saint Theresa says: Dear brothers and sisters, in the First Mansion, where the soul begins the path of holiness, it is important to meditate, with the help of the Divine Spirit, on the sorrowful passion of our Lord Jesus Christ; therefore, our Lady, our Mother of Heaven, in her true manifestations, invites humanity to meditate and think more about the sorrowful passion of Jesus, because it is the invitation to repentance and because, in this first spiritual state, the soul, illuminated by the Spirit of God, reflects on the suffering of Jesus, recognizes that Jesus suffered for our sins.

In this First Mansion there is pain, the soul looks at the state in which it is and in each of its sins recognizes all the rejection of God’s love, and this moves the soul to repent for having said ‘no’ to the Father’s love. Ask the Holy Spirit to touch your heart! Humble yourselves profoundly! Each of your sins is a ‘no’ to God’s love; your sins are a rejection of the Holy Spirit’s presence in your life.

Pray, pray in silence, pray and think about all that Jesus has suffered for you. He humbled himself to death, to save you. Be humble, soul! Jesus has given you everything, and you begrudge to give him something. Jesus did not consider whether you would be grateful for the Redemption. And you, soul, if God does not fulfill what you ask for, you resent him. Acknowledge your ingratitude; acknowledge your rebellion with God; ask for forgiveness, so that you may begin your journey to the Father.

I, Saint Theresa of Jesus, united with Saint Catherine of Siena, intercede for you, so that you may understand the Immense Love that you have rejected and may repent. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.


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