‘My Second Sorrow and Joy’
Dear children of my Chaste and Loving Heart let us meditate on the Birth of Jesus:
With my beloved spouse we arrived in Bethlehem, and when we asked for an inn for the Virginal Lady to give birth to God the Son, they refused us and closed the doors, saying to us: there is no room.
This happens now, in the world, in the family, even in childhood, there is no more room, there is no room for the Three Hearts and the doors are closed, because the world and its distractions are more comfortable than prayer and service.
Arriving then at a small, abandoned, cold, dirty cave, which welcomed us, Mother Mary and I arranged this cave, cleaned it, tidied it, took out everything useless and everything that hindered this small place from being transformed into a Tabernacle, into the First Tabernacle.
Mary’s womb was transformed into the manger where, together with the Son of God already born, I was also welcomed, and all men, to be His children and brothers of Christ, the Incarnate Word.
It gave me great pain to see the Son of God and his Mother, my virginal spouse Mary, in such great poverty. But the presence of the Two Hearts transformed that place and transformed my life into an eternal joy, because I was before the wonder of the Virgin giving birth to the Redeemer of the world. And I was, by mercy, chosen to be the first among men to see such a great celestial prodigy.
I intercede that you may truly meet Mary, and be her collaborators, and receive the God who saves.
I love and bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without sin.