My Eucharistic Gethsemane (Holy Thursday)
May my Sacred Heart fill your little heart with my Holy and Divine Love. My little one, I give you this message from my Eucharistic Gethsemane.
Little son, may the souls accompany me in the Gethsemane of the End Times. May my souls unite with me and, with their sacrifices, prayers, death and resignation to the human ego, heal the wounds in my Sacred Heart.
At this time, children, we need souls who surrender, who give themselves from the Eucharist, from Holy Love; who, saying to the Divine Will: 'Fiat', drink with me from the Chalice that the Father offers us; and thus, with the Chalice and with the Mother of Heaven, we will carry the Cross together. This Holy Mother will give you strength and courage, as she has done with me, John and Mary Magdalene.
Unite your heart in my Sacred Heart, united to the Immaculate Heart of my Mother, and make of your life an Eternal Gethsemane in Love, in the Holy Fiat, and live with Me and my Beloved Mother in the Supreme Fiat.
I love you, my envoy of Gethsemane. I bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.