Children of My Sacred Heart, contemplate and adore, in the spirit, my falls under the weight of the cross, on the way to Calvary.
I was tired, scourged, shedding abundant blood, crowned with thorns, and the blood blinded my eyes. My tunic was fastened to the mantle by the blood and sweat. Every time I was pulled by the mantle, arms, and whipped, my body was torn again, and the way was marked by my precious blood.
Dear children, I fell, not because of my own will, but because of the weight of the cross, the pushes, which the soldiers gave me, and which also allowed the people who watched me pass to push me, I fell with my cross, but I rose with the cross.
My little children, adore my falls, on the way to Calvary, because with my falls, on the ground, by falling to the ground, by touching the ground with my immolated body and rising, I repaired the falls of mankind, I repaired the fall of man, his disobedience, his sin, his fragility, his littleness, and, along with me, I raised his dignity, and my dignity as a creature and as a son of God, I fell with the cross, to raise man fallen in sin.
Adore my falls under the weight of the cross and make reparation for the falls of men in sin. Contemplate and adore my heart which becomes nothing and humbles itself to save you! I love you with a redeeming love: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.