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My Mother’s Heart is also a Eucharistic Heart, because I was the Water and the Flour through which the Divine Spirit has made Jesus Christ. My blood his blood, my flesh his flesh, my heart molded his.

I was then the First Altar where Jesus’ victim and, at the same time, priest, offered himself to the Father not only on the Cross, but from the incarnation, He offered himself, through Me, to the Father.

The High and Eternal Priest, from the moment of the conception, exercised his priestly ministry, offering himself, on the Altar of My Womb, to the Holy Father, to repair the fall of the human race into sin.

And every priest is another Christ, and so the Spirit makes me a Priestly Mother, because I also offered to the Father the First Priestly Community, the Apostles gathered at Pentecost.

And through My Heart, the Holy Spirit filled them with His Strength and Anointing to exercise the Priestly Ministry of Jesus. A ministry that already My Son gave them in the Eucharistic Holy Supper, but which also out of fear had overshadowed it, but the Holy Spirit, through My Motherly, Eucharistic and Priestly Heart, filled them with power from on high to continue the unique priesthood of Jesus and to raise the unique sacrifice that is perpetuated throughout the ages in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Therefore, dear children, pray for the Gift of the priest, the priest is a Great Miracle because he raises the Lamb of My Son so that the Father’s wrath does not fall.

Pray that my Faithful Remnant may have many holy priests. And you, little son, the three thorns that your Guardian Angel put in your head, along with the pain, offer them to make reparation for those who no longer believe in the Eucharist, to make reparation for those who no longer believe in confession, to make reparation for those who no longer believe in the Ministry of the Priesthood.

Dear children, I invite you to make prayers of reparation and intercession for priests.

Offer the Cenacle of Prayer that our Sacred Hearts have given to you, also for priests throughout the world.

As Mother of Jesus the Eucharist, as Mother of Jesus the Priest, I give you my Blessing.

A new commandment is given to you by My Son, that you love each other as He loves you.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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