The action of the Holy Spirit in the Holy Infancy of the Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary.
The Blessed Mother:
Learn, dear children, to listen to my maternal Calls and Counsels. This is how I listened and obeyed the Almighty Father who, from his Throne, instructed and taught me. As He preserved me from every original sin, so He preserved me from every sin in the world, not because I was not the daughter of Adam and Eve as you are, but because of the mission He entrusted to me: to take care of and give birth, for all of you, to my Holy Son Jesus.
Thus, from the Cross, my Divine Son said to me: “Behold your son,” which is all of you. Therefore, like every child, you must be in your mother’s womb to be filled with Me, and at the same time with the Holy Spirit that dwells in Me, so you will be formed and transformed into Christ.
The Divine Holy Spirit acted in my life, especially in my little childhood, guiding, educating, and teaching me to keep silent. If you knew the value of silence, you would hear the divine inspirations. Thus, guided by the Lord, I was allowing my heart to be filled with love for the Father, opening myself to his Divine Will.
All my childhood was a process of growth and formation, but especially of preparation for the great moment of Yes. It is here that you must deposit your children in my Sacred Womb so that I may form them. But first, I must form and educate you so that your children may see the Glory of the Father, the Light of the Son, and the Charity of the Holy Spirit in you, and these gifts you will obtain only in my Holy Womb.
Saint Therese continues the message and says:
Let yourselves be guided by me on the little spiritual path to bring you closer to Jesus, and thereby be little roses in His hands, which bear fruit where His Divine and Wounded hands place us. Just as I found myself in the Womb of the Holy Mother to make myself little, so be you. Form yourselves and open yourselves to the maternal care of our Lady always, like me, little rose in her precious Garden of her Immaculate and Most Pure Womb, to her Sorrowful and Immaculate heart. The roses I shed from Heaven are from the most precious Garden, the Immaculate Womb of the Blessed Mother. Each rose is one of her excels and virtues.
The Blessed Mother:
Saint Therese of Lisieux was a victim for my son Jesus for the salvation of the Church and souls.
Hail Mary, most pure, conceived without original sin.
