The Divine Jesus has come accompanied by Blessed Concepción ‘Conchita’ Cabrera.
Dear son of my Sacred Eucharistic Heart, in a particular way I want to give my Call to Love and Conversion.
My Servant Conchita Cabrera has come with me because the priestly work that I began with her I will continue with the Apostolate, which is my compendium of graces of the End Times. In a very special way, I want to gather all my priests and make each one an apostle of my Eucharistic Heart. I want to form an army of Eucharistic and Marian priests after my Heart.
My priests, the Coredemption of my Holy Mother, and my Sacred Eucharistic Heart are the most important intentions so that the secrets, the eight parts which are one same secret, may be realized according to the Divine Will. For the intentions of our United Sacred Hearts to become a reality, all souls must listen and live, seriously, our Last Warnings to Love and Conversion.
With my Sacred Heart of Priest and Sacrifice, and through the intercession of my Servant Conchita, I bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.