Dear souls redeemed by the immense love of Jesus, through the sacrifice and the Cross, the Divine Will has chosen to manifest itself through the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary, united with the Chaste and Loving Heart of Saint Joseph.
All our Calls to Love and Conversion are the deepest desires of heaven for all men on earth. For the heart of the son has opened fully, so that his heart may be loved, known, and adored. His heart is the very source of this work of the End Times. It is true that the calls are private revelations, but they are at the service of clarifying, emphasizing, enlightening and calling all hearts to return to the Word of God.
The Calls to Love and Conversion only want humanity to return to the Word of God and to the Holy Gospel. This is why our revelations in this spiritual sanctuary, for the Apostles of the End Times, are very important revelations that must be taken with the heart; because as you listen, as you obey, as you heed the Calls to Love and Conversion, you will come closer to the heart of Jesus through the sacraments, through prayer, through fasting.
Dear brothers and sisters, the First Mansion to enter into the heart of Jesus is the Holy Spirit, who makes known the full truth, who guides and who is the advocate of your souls, the counselor of the believers, the light of those who pray. The first action that the Holy Spirit provokes in the soul that lets itself be found by him is conversion. Conversion and the deep sorrow for having offended God is the first step to return to the heart of Jesus.
I pray for all of you.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.