My dear children, I have come to you as a mother, so that you may listen with your Heart to the invitation of my Son to conversion, a sincere and radical conversion. Little ones, pray and open your hearts, so that I may truly use you as Heralds of the Reign of My Son.
As a mother, I want you to be all My instruments, so I need your hearts to be truly docile and to let yourselves be used by your mother. All have a design of my son to help me to fulfill my promises, but you must be docile and humble and remove from your heart’s hardness and humanity, which comes first, and that is why many times my word does not reach your hearts pure, because always, dear children, come first for you and leave my son last.
Dear children, listen to me, I have come for the conversion of the world and to prepare it for the coming of the Lord; My Immaculate Heart is your guide and my words are your torch in this darkness; just trust and let yourselves be led by me; do nothing, because my son Jesus and I, in the Holy Spirit, will do everything; I invite you to open your hearts
Pray for My Intentions! I give you My Special Motherly Blessing: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.