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Souls of my Sacred Heart, I need you to understand that in the Eucharist is all the fullness of my person as God and man. The Eucharist is the center of my work of redemption.

The Eucharist is the fullness and perfect fulfillment of my Gospel. The Eucharist is life itself, and whoever does not come close in grace to commune with my body and blood dies within.

Those who do not feed on my body and blood have no strength, they are confused, their lives have no meaning, their hearts are broken. Those who do feed on my body and blood have the strength to continue to carry the Cross, have the strength to give everything for God’s love, have the strength to reach Calvary and rise with me.

Dear children, the Holy Eucharist does not remove the Cross, the Cross is necessary, the Cross is important, the Cross is the sacrificial eucharistic altar par excellence!

My body and my blood give you strength to carry the Cross, give you wisdom to understand the Cross, and give you patience and perseverance not to throw away the Cross.

The union between the Cross and the Eucharist is everlasting! It is an indissoluble and unfathomable union, the Cross and the Holy Host! From the Cross my Body given up for you is born, from the Cross my Water and my Blood of Mercy has flowed, from the Cross I was able to obtain redemption for all of you whom I love immensely.

My souls, the Cross and the Eucharist are now perpetually united in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Love the Cross to be able to love me in the Eucharist! Love me present in the Eucharist so that you can love the Cross!

My heart sacrificed on the altar of the Cross also asks you to pray for the great miracle of the priests! Pray for the priests, sacrifice yourselves for my ministers!

My Sacred Heart of victim and priest on the altar of the Cross blesses you with infinite love. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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