I am with you
Dear children, I am with you, I am pouring my peace and love into each of your souls.
Your souls must be cleansed and purified of every stain and selfishness, pride and selfishness of pride, so that the presence of my beloved Father may enter your little hearts, hearts that my Precious Blood will be cleansing, purifying.
I want you to be clean inside, that my precepts reign in every heart, how much evil can be avoided, but you allow yourselves to be dominated by my adversary, who is a proud and arrogant being (the Lord Jesus Christ describes and reveals the devil calling him proud and arrogant), I want you to be clean and healthy in mind, intention and action, I want servants who leave sin and renounce their wills (Galatians 2:20), a will that is weak and becomes libertinism, because true freedom is in the Holy Will of my Eternal Father, who created you, to love, serve, and adore him, so that your only primary concern is to fulfill my commands.
I love you and I want to be loved, I am your servant and I want you to serve me. I need you to imitate my Sacred Heart. My Sacred Heart desires that you follow me, follow the way of the Cross (Saint Matthew 16:24), of service, of surrender, of sincere and unconditional love, if you knew how much I love you, you would love me and live in such an intimate union that the only concern of the soul would be to love me and give me your whole being.
Why do you begrudge your being to me? I suffer my little ones, open your eyes, see the time that is approaching, time of another crucifixion, many will be crucified for love of me and they will stop the arm of my justice.
My soul I desire to reign in you, before my voice will not be heard because you will want to hear me and you will no longer be able (Isaiah 55, 6) , come close to my Sacred Eucharistic Heart, before it gets dark. I call the Church to the prompt disposition for my Sacred Heart to reign and my intentions to be realized in my Creation. I love you sinners and I don’t want your condemnation (1 Timothy 2:4). You were created for love, you were created for Heaven, you were created to love me but you are constantly moving away from my Sacred Heart. I desire your salvation. I await you in my Sacraments of love, especially in the Holy Eucharist.
Love, love, I ask of you, in my Kingdom the souls who truly united themselves to my Will and loved it will enter, immerse yourselves in my Sacred Will which is love and mercy itself which in my Sacred Heart are one and the same grace.
Jesus who loves you awaits you. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen, Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.